photos from somme

Pascal Lando, photos & texts – Jean-Pierre Belliard, translation

search engines optimization

You will find on this page a few informations related to SEO : Search Engines Optimization, especially for photographers or Somme websites.

what is seo ?

Search Engines Optimization aims to make people know about your website. To do this, several actions can be realised :

We will talk about link exchange below.

link exchange, photography or somme

Photos from Somme website is listed on most of important search engines and directories (Google, Yahoo, Voila...). Its main topics are photography and the Somme department in France (Picardy). If you are a webmaster, dealing with such topics (or close ones), maybe we could proceed to a link exchange between our sites. This action will make our sites more on view on the Web and increase our traffic.

To exchange link with Photos from Somme, please pick the code of my banner, and put it on your web site, then send me a mail.